Visit Rebekah's Page to get updates, read messages and send messages to Rebekah and her family through comments. This is a public "diary" of a family whose little girl started a battle with inoperable cancer in April 2005. In December 2007 our house burned down. And in September 2009 Mommy was diagnosed with a terminal disease (a genetic form of ALS) that took her to Heaven in July, 2011, leaving Daddy and two young girls to make it on their own. Over several years of ups and downs, you will get into our hearts, minds and souls as we share joys and sorrows. It can sometimes be very difficult to read. We hope it is also uplifting. Please find joy in what you read here.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

What a Day

First please let us thank you all for the kind words, prayers, support, etc. Thank you for buying the bracelets and thank you for your donations. You have all really helped us get through "one more day" and that is all we can ask.

Mommy spent the entire day sitting on a rocking chair with Rebekah flopped out like a rag doll on her lap. Rebekah looked quite uncomfortable with her body flopping one way and her head the other, but I guess with enough pain medicine in you all you feel is mommy. Mommy went through 6 or 7 t shirts with the drool and blood that is contantly coming out of Rebekah's mouth and soaking through the towels that we try and constantly keep on her. When she is awake she is flailing around and it takes 3-4 hands to hold her down.

Rebekah had blood and urine collected to try and grow cultures and try and figure out what is causing her high heart rate and high temperature. We won't have answers back from those for 24-48 hours.

Rebekah started getting liquid nutrition through her G-Tube and that seems to be going pretty well. She is digesting it (don't ask how you test for this!) and is even taking some medicines that way as well. We start with some really high calorie and high fiber "food" to try and get her "Gut" working again. When we get to change diapers that actually have something in them again we know it is working.

Finally we are dealing with some breathing issues. It seems, possibly because of the pain meds, that Rebekah sometimes "forgets" to breath when she is sleeping and her pulseox (a measure of the amount of oxygen in her blood) drops into the 70's. We have seen as low as the 60's. When that happens her heart rate goes up (over 200 now) to try and get more oxygen to the body. Usually a little stimulation on her temple is enough to get things going again.

Having said all of that, Rebekah is doing really good. I know that seems odd after reading all of the above but considering where we were 24-36 hours ago we are really excited. When you are around sick kidos for a while you get a feeling that you have to go by as to how they really are. In medical charting terms we would call it an "initial impression". And Rebekah's initial impression to us is much much better. Basically she is better because she isn't any worse!

Her radiation burns don't seem quite as bad as they are not constantly bleeding. She has some restrictions in her upper airway but she is trying to cough through it. And even though her left eye is pretty much out of service by the radiation, her right eye is starting to get some of that gleem in it that one of you commented on. This evening I had a very small, very short glimpse of my little girl again - something I have not seen for several days.

Mommy and daddy are beat, devastated and worn out - but gaining some hope that we thought was lost.

PLEASE keep sharing Rebekah with everyone you know. I know we repeat this, but we are inspired by your presence on the blog. Keep Rebekah in your thoughts and prayers and ask God what it is that you are supposed to be learning by being here.

17 Shared:

At Wednesday, August 24, 2005 10:36:00 PM, Blogger Darlene Schacht Left a thought...

I could kick myself because I was at this blog at the end of June which just happened to be a very good day and it looked like the cancer was gone. I didn't return until just about two weeks ago and now I am burdened for this little peanut. I was telling Steve on his blog tonight that Rebekah has already touched the lives of so many more people than I ever have in my 40 years of life. I have been personally affected by the faith of your family and she got me into some serious prayer for three hours on Monday. Which was long overdue. After I received the comment at 12:30 on Monday night from Rebekah's daddy, I told God that I wouldn't quit praying until He sent someone else. I prayed for two hours straight to ensure that a minute would not go without prayer. And finally when I was exhausted at 2:30 am, I said to God, if you want me to go longer I will. All the while thinking that Jesus would pray all night if he had too. At 2:28 am I received a comment that someone else had taken over the prayer. Little things like that tell me that God is in control of this situation. Sorry to be long winded, but unfortunately I talk alot and I am excited about the gleam in her eye.

At Wednesday, August 24, 2005 10:39:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous Left a thought...

Thank you SO much for taking time when we know how tired you must be to share with US! What incredible people, what incredible faith, and strength you are showing us all.
God is so good, and so faithful, He will see you through this.
I'll keep sharing Rebekah's story with anyone who will listen!

At Wednesday, August 24, 2005 11:48:00 PM, Blogger steve Left a thought...

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At Wednesday, August 24, 2005 11:50:00 PM, Blogger steve Left a thought...

Yep. I have been waiting to hear from you and glad that you posted again. Glad to hear that we are getting some gleam back in her eye!

I love that last thing you said Scott... figure out what God is trying to tell ya here... I think we can always be challenged with that.

I will continue to spread the word daily. I love seeing so many strangers come together in prayer. Always thinking about you guys. All day long

At Wednesday, August 24, 2005 11:50:00 PM, Blogger Cristina Left a thought...

For Rebekah's daddy: I have to tell you- I am so impressed, and deeply moved at your commitment to keeping everyone up to date with how you, your wife, and Rebekah are doing. Thank you so much for taking time out of your exhaustion to visit my blog. It amazes me that you have any energy left over to encourage other people to not be 'heart broken' by Rebekah's situation. When you find yourself empty, YOUR Father will continually fill you up, so that you can give a little more...

Rebekah truly is a miracle... and she is blessed to have you for a daddy. Hang in there!

At Thursday, August 25, 2005 12:53:00 AM, Blogger The other me Left a thought...

If ever I have been moved to pray for one I have never met it has to be today. Your baby has such strength and it is easy to see that she gets that from her parents. I am going to pray, right now, both for comfort and rest and healing for your precious daughter but also gratitude for the health of my children.
May God bless your family and send down such strength and comfort that it will be clear for all of us to see a miracle. Helen.

At Thursday, August 25, 2005 3:41:00 AM, Blogger Alison Left a thought...

Thank you Lord for the gleam, and for the bit of relief she is getting from the burns. May You continue to help the doctors to know just what to do for this treasure, and may You continue to be a source of strength for mommy and daddy. You alone know the outcome of this situation and we just ask that You would shower all involved with your mercy and peace.

At Thursday, August 25, 2005 3:41:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous Left a thought...

i pray to God that He will give you and your wife the strength you need. and i pray for rebekah's healing. i hope to hear more good news in the future. i'll keep your family in my prayers.

At Thursday, August 25, 2005 4:40:00 AM, Blogger Jenny Left a thought...

Scott, I woke up about 10 times in the night, as though someone was shaking me by the shoulder and my heart felt so burdened to pray for your family. God is so amazing and I pray that He holds Rebekah, and your family and that healing begins even now.

At Thursday, August 25, 2005 6:20:00 AM, Blogger Ileana Left a thought...

God is hearing our prayers. I don't know your family personally, but as Christians, we are connected through Jesus and when we all come together in His name and pray for Rebekah, we experience hope and see big things happen.

I am so glad to hear she is even slightly better. I will continue to spread the word and pray for her every day!

At Thursday, August 25, 2005 6:32:00 AM, Blogger jomo Left a thought...

First, my prayers with you. Second, I sincerely believe that God is using this crisis to bring His Body together in unity. I think you would be amazed at how many people are in on this, in perfect unity for one little girl. Rest in God's comfort and see His glory.

At Thursday, August 25, 2005 7:27:00 AM, Blogger Katie Left a thought...

You and Rebekah are still in my prayers.

At Thursday, August 25, 2005 7:31:00 AM, Blogger Jenn Left a thought...

your sweet Rebekah's story has touched my heart.
I will pray for her as well, and God is good - He can work miracles. I am also signing up for a 5 km race in October - Run For The Cure - to fight this horrible disease called cancer.
Prayers from Toronto, Canada!

At Thursday, August 25, 2005 8:07:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous Left a thought...

Thank you for taking the time out of what I can only imagine to be a brutal schedule to update us. I was sharing Rebekah's story last night with a friend and went on to realize what this beautiful child has gone and done. Without even realizing it, your family's struggle has brought me back to God after a terrible time of indecision. Reading all of these posts, I KNOW that God is working through your daughter to send his message out to anyone who'll take the time to listen! We are, all of us who've heard Rebekah's story, forever changed. Now my prayers are even more fervent. God bless you and lift you up!

At Thursday, August 25, 2005 8:20:00 AM, Blogger Joyce Left a thought...

Joining in the prayer efforts for Rebekah and all of you. May God continue to grant you what He alone knows you need, and may you have all kinds of peace in believing. He is faithful! Praying that Rebekah will improve by leaps and bounds.


At Thursday, August 25, 2005 8:53:00 AM, Blogger Jeff H Left a thought...

Prayers are continuing. Rebekah is in my thought constantly.

At Thursday, August 25, 2005 8:26:00 PM, Blogger lexi Left a thought...

. . . I'm lifting up this poor little girl to our heavenly Father tonight. . . My healthy 3 year old is sleeping in the next room and there are no words to describe how my heart goes out to your baby and her unfair illness. . . May God be with your family through this nightmare . . .
like I said there are no words . . .q


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