Rebekah has always felt comfortable with a routine, it's been a part of her "quirks." Their hospice counselor warned that routine will be important after mommy's loss, and she was right. Now Rebekah and Sarah are both thriving on routine. When their routine changes up there are emotional and behavioral issues that come right along with those changes.
The last couple of days we have had some "outs" of the routine with daddy taking Rebekah to school one morning, the ALS walk, some hiccups in the evening schedule, etc. And sure enough Rebekah's take home note book is marked with her not listening to teachers and even raising her voice to them. Unacceptable and being worked on. But these things go hand in hand.
Obviously we can't always do things exactly the same way and we do have to learn to deal with some changes to routine. But even when there is a change in the routine there needs to be as many constants as possible. It's my job as a daddy to see to that. If that is difficult to accept, so be it.