Visit Rebekah's Page to get updates, read messages and send messages to Rebekah and her family through comments. This is a public "diary" of a family whose little girl started a battle with inoperable cancer in April 2005. In December 2007 our house burned down. And in September 2009 Mommy was diagnosed with a terminal disease (a genetic form of ALS) that took her to Heaven in July, 2011, leaving Daddy and two young girls to make it on their own. Over several years of ups and downs, you will get into our hearts, minds and souls as we share joys and sorrows. It can sometimes be very difficult to read. We hope it is also uplifting. Please find joy in what you read here.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Mommy Is With Us

Sarah has always liked rainbows. She has drawn them for mommy a lot and before mommy died Sarah talked with her counselor about how rainbows reminded her of mommy. Mommy and I talked with the girls and we all decided that every time we see a rainbow we will think of mommy and know that she is with us.

Yesterday late afternoon I was sitting on the couch trying to recoup from an exhausting weekend with mommy's memorial service, church, shopping, etc. I looked up on the dinning room ceiling and this is what I saw:

I called the girls in and asked them to look up. "MOMMY!" they exclaimed. We sat holding each other and wept. To the bare eye it looked like a standard rainbow. Now as I look at the photo I see it's more than that, it's actually heart shaped. It may be a bit weird, but I could "feel" her presence as well.

I do recognize God's hand in natural things but this was more than that. As I "investigated" I realized it was far more. I traced the light back to the kitchen window and yes, there was a crystal vase in that window - a vase that has not been moved in quite some time yet we have never seen that before. "OK, seasons and sun angle change" I said to myself and I looked further. I looked to where the sun would have to be and realized the barn and a tree would be blocking the sun from that angle. Yes it was happening, but no there was not a purely natural explanation for it. I do, however, know how it happened. Thank you God. Thank you mommy.

3 Shared:

At Monday, August 29, 2011 6:02:00 PM, Blogger Valerie Left a thought...

What a precious gift from Mommy and God!

At Tuesday, August 30, 2011 7:41:00 PM, Blogger Char Left a thought...

That is just pure awesome! our God is an awesome God!!!

At Monday, September 26, 2011 9:42:00 AM, Anonymous Teresa Mathia Left a thought...

I do believe that, for some reason we do not understand, those who cross over can choose to keep in touch with us here. I have had similar experiences with my ex who died in 2003. I do believe that Frances is visiting you and the girls and that your sensing her presence is real. There is so much we do not understand about life and death. God bless you Scott.


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