Sunday Evening - take two.
I just spent 15 minutes putting up a post about the last 3 hours and it seems to have gotten lost in posting. UGH!
The short story because we are off to bed:
Rebekah pulled out her Central line and we made an emergency trip to the hospital. X-rays were taken and yep, she pulled it clean out. There is no internal bleeding or parts of it left inside - which is good!
We don't know when we will have to put it back in. They may wait until her next Chemo appointment on June 6th or they may do it before. If they wait she will have to have 5-6 IV sticks and blood draws between now and then. I am sure a lot of it will depend on her immune system. No matter when it is, however, she will have to undergo another full anesthetic and surgery and we will have to pay out another 4,000-6,000 dollars (or at least the co-pay and 20% insurance portion thereof. Ugh.
But we are home now, we have all had some pain medicine and everything is feeling pretty blaw. Off to bed and maybe more details tomorrow.
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