Visit Rebekah's Page to get updates, read messages and send messages to Rebekah and her family through comments. This is a public "diary" of a family whose little girl started a battle with inoperable cancer in April 2005. In December 2007 our house burned down. And in September 2009 Mommy was diagnosed with a terminal disease (a genetic form of ALS) that took her to Heaven in July, 2011, leaving Daddy and two young girls to make it on their own. Over several years of ups and downs, you will get into our hearts, minds and souls as we share joys and sorrows. It can sometimes be very difficult to read. We hope it is also uplifting. Please find joy in what you read here.

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Illusive Art Of Laundry

Ok, maybe this isn't deep, emotional or an earth-shaking announcement (which apparently based on the lack of comments and surprisingly neither was my Thanksgiving Day post) but it is on my mind nonetheless.

Somewhere around my bachelor party some 20+ years ago I was educated that they way to get around laundry duties was to ruin everything every time you got near the laundry machine. Well, I didn't actually think that was the best way to run a marriage, at least not consciously. Apparently my subconscious at least took a partial liking to it as I pretty much did just that the first few years of our marriage. I remember a particularly sexy piece of red lingerie that Frances repeatedly wore as pink and splotchy because of one of my laundry mistakes...but I digress. I really didn't seek to be removed from laundry duty but it pretty much happened that way. I can count on my fingers the number of times I did laundry before Frances got sick.

Then in 2008 we got a new washer and dryer - one of the few benefits of your house burning down. I was actually prohibited by Frances from touching them. It ranked up there close to the 10 Commandments, well okay not really but the prohibition did begin with THOU SHALT NOT...and ended with TOUCH MY LAUNDRY MACHINES! That worked fine, at least from my view point, until France got sick. Once Frances got sick and wasn't physically able to do things like laundry I had a lot more duties. But my laundry duties were for a very limited time and really I wasn't allowed to think about what I was doing, but rather I was just the arms and legs for Frances; I did as I was specifically told. As Frances' illness progressed we got more and more help in the house and (insert LONG list of wonderful women who helped here) did laundry for us up until a month after Frances died and Jenny moved out.

For many months now I have been on my own, and thought I was doing okay. In fact I thought I was doing great. I knew a little about sorting, although apparently "light (weight) and heavy" (which is the way I did it) is not as good of sorting as "light (color) and dark." And I do have to admit that I to this date am perplexed that our new machine doesn't have a "permanent press" cycle like the old one did...but again I digress. I even received great inspiration from some friends up in Washington who both husband and wife told me with good detergent and good washers you just put in everything that can fit and wash it on "normal" and all will be fine. I more than thought I was doing great, I was satisfied!

All of this until a few weeks ago when good friend Pamela was emptying the dryer for me and I got a good schooling on tights, and dresses, and certain socks, and sweaters and...and...etc. etc. etc. that all had to have a special way of doing things. In Pamela's words, "READ THE LABEL!" Admittedly I had never read a label in clothing except to note the size. And then Tia got to the point in my life where she is showing me how to do things and now I have learned that even if the label says it can be done a certain way that I should know that is not necessarily the best way to do it. It was clear to Tia that my lack of understanding of the unspoken (and unwritten) rules of laundry are the reason that my daughter's clothes don't fit, fit funny, are the wrong color and probably the cause of world war although no one has yet blamed me for that.

So why exactly am I writing this? I don't know, maybe because I am doing laundry and needed to vent (pun intended.) Maybe it's because I am confused. But most likely it's because I am frustrated. How exactly does one acquire this "sense" of knowing what to do, when to follow the label, when the label is wrong etc? Why can't this just be simple?

Up next: The Iron - You Can Use It For More Than Waxing Skis!

3 Shared:

At Monday, November 28, 2011 3:56:00 PM, Blogger Debbie Dunham Left a thought...

I think a lot of the things that people do that seem to be easy knowledge are actually ingrained in them from a very early age. I started doing laundry with my mom when I was in preschool. Yes, by the time I married, I had it pretty much down pat. And, yes, Brian messed up early on (tried to iron his 1970's polyester shirt with a too-hot iron and left a hole in the middle), so he, too, was banned from the laundry room. My kids tell me that laundry is one of the things they have to learn because I don't "let" them do enough of it when they're still living at home. Although, if I'd asked them if they wanted to do laundry before they moved out, I doubt they'd have jumped and down at the opportunity.

At Wednesday, November 30, 2011 11:06:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous Left a thought...

This post made me laugh out loud. Here's the thing about laundry - laundry is an acquired skill and not an innate knowing. But in general, when it comes to clothing for the female gender, think slightly fussy. Most things can withstand a 5 minute toss in the dryer, which I often do with my things, to knock out the wrinkles, and then hang to dry. A few things can't, like bras, and cotton or wool sweaters and tights. And I wouldn't worry much about low dollar items like panties and socks. With trial and error you figure out what kind of things tend to shrink etc.

I've signed your guest book only rarely but have followed your family for quite some time. I was so relieved that Rebekah's recent health issue was not relapse, thank goodness. Having gone through a relapse with our daughter and only child Rowan, I know its special kind of hell well. And I am delighted for you about Tia and her girls. You deserve another great love.

Happy holidays,
Michele, Rowan's mommy

At Sunday, December 11, 2011 7:08:00 AM, Blogger Deb Left a thought...

Catching up on your blog...I was busy doing my own laundry when you posted this, in preparation of the cruise vacation from which Randy and I just returned....

So happy to "hear" you happy and making jokes...I pretty much think it's a safe assumption that your laundry habits were not the cause of the world war! And ironing...who irons? Not I.

Oh, and just a note, I read with tears of great joy your previous post about Tia. God is amazing - and you deserve every good gift He gives!! I am SO very thrilled for you, Scott and continue to pray, always and still, that as your heart continues to follow hard after His will, that He will bless you beyond belief!


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