Made it Home Last Night, Sorry for No Update
We made it home last night. By the time we got home, it was about 7 pm and time for dinner and then getting the girls to bed, all the stuff in from the van and much needed sleep. I didn't get much sleep the night before, so I pretty much took care of the things that had to be done and then crashed. I should mention that Grandma M brought Sarah home and brought dinner for all of us and then helped get both girls to bed. Thanks Grandma M.
Today has been a hectic day. Daddy has had a crummy day with everything seeming to go wrong. I've been dealing with cranky girls most of the day and couldn't get them to both nap at the same time, so I never got a nap. I did rest for a while while Sarah played around me and Rebekah slept- Daddy said that wasn't fair. I'm not sure what "isn't fair" about it, it's not like that is great rest. This evening, while I was making dinner, the girls were not cooperating. Uugh!
Rebekah went to bed about 7 pm at her request, but woke up about 8 and won't go back to sleep. She is having to stay in bed, and not at all happy about that. If Mommy checks on her, she wants Daddy. If Daddy checks on her, she wants Mommy. She does not like it when she does not get her way. That is going to be a tough attitude to break. She has had a lot of attitude recently. Over the last week or so, she has pretty much requested that anyone but Mommy take care of things for her. That, of course, makes Mommy feel unappreciated.
It is turning out to be one of those weeks. As is becoming normal, once we are home from the hospital after chemo, we can expect nausea, vomitting, pain, and an otherwise pretty cranky girl. Not to mention a tired and less patient Mommy. This week is no exception. Her counts will be dropping, so we also have to watch for fever and any signs of low counts (lethargia, bruising, etc...).
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Pain and vomitting aside, she honestly sounds like all the other kids I know her age!
I'm sorry you are not getting the rest you need.I'll pray that God gives you much opportunity in the next few days to get some reprieve in one form or another.
Just hang in there mom...Maybe Grandma could help you out here and there so you can get some much needed sleep. I know that the Lord will not give you more than you can handle....I know you are wondering how you can handle so much. We are here in blogland praying for your and your family. Take some good deep breaths and try to relax mentally.
I understand a busy house with busy uncooperative children, aside from the extra strains you have to deal with. Praying for extra portions of peace and grace for you all, as well as time for rest.
I have to agree with Alison. My 3 1/2 year old boy sounds just like Rebekah with the attitude!
I will pray for patience for mommy and of course, health and well-being for Rebekah and the whole family.
Glad you are all back home. Sometimes even when this are totally chaotic, home is still the best place to be! My prayers for you as always!
Praying for mom. I know how I am when I'm tired and cranky and I don't have added things to deal with.
Moment by moment sometimes is as much as we can do and that's ok. **Hugs**
Thank you for taking the time to update for us! I know it takes time to do so, however, just being able to release onto your blog helps tremendously. Then, the rest of us can know more specifically what to pray for you! I am sure that these times are far worse than having a newborn, however, you can take the same advice that others give when you have a newborn- take every possible minute to rest (i.e., put your feet up, drink water or tea, close your eyes for a few minutes, or release on your blog!) Don't forget to step outside and breathe in the fresh air and know that God is holding each one of you through this!
Lots of love to you!
Aunt TT
Praying for all of you with love and compassion.
Hi Rebekah and family
Sending big hugs your way.
Take care
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