A Bad Night
We have had a pretty bad night but things sound like they are getting a bit better.
Grandma C was staying in the room with Rebekah last night so we could stay together out in the trailer. When we saw them last about 9pm they were playing in the playroom and having a good time. About 11:30pm we got a phone call from the nurse saying that they had given Rebekah some Benadryl for a rash that was appearing on her face and tummy and she seemed to be reacting badly to it. They then gave her some other drugs (Adavan) to try and counteract the Benadryl's effects. The nurse told me things were going much better now and not to worry.
About 3:30am Grandma C called with Rebekah screaming in the background(which I unfortunately answered on speaker phone so now Sarah started screaming here - ugh!). Grandma C said Rebekah was not doing well and neither was Grandma C. Mommy packed up quickly and headed across the parking lot to the room. Sarah and daddy stayed in the trailer and spent a lot of time trying to get Sarah down.
Apparently hallucinations are one of the side effects of the Bendadryl and Rebekah's was exhibiting a lot of symptoms that lead us to believe she was extremely scared of "the bugs crawling around" that of course were not there. Once the Benadryl started to wear off Frances said things started to calm down.
Hopefully we will still get to go home today. Thank yous to Grandma C for trying to spend the night with Rebekah and sorries that it did not work out better.
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Rebekah's story and more importantly, her life touches us all. You all continue to be in my prayers, I miss her sunny face in Sunday school, and hope to see her soon. God is good, and in his time, in his way, he will continue to see all of you through.
Praying for strength and wisdom;
In Christ,
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