Visit Rebekah's Page to get updates, read messages and send messages to Rebekah and her family through comments. This is a public "diary" of a family whose little girl started a battle with inoperable cancer in April 2005. In December 2007 our house burned down. And in September 2009 Mommy was diagnosed with a terminal disease (a genetic form of ALS) that took her to Heaven in July, 2011, leaving Daddy and two young girls to make it on their own. Over several years of ups and downs, you will get into our hearts, minds and souls as we share joys and sorrows. It can sometimes be very difficult to read. We hope it is also uplifting. Please find joy in what you read here.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

A Little Better

Rebekah finally made it back to school on Thursday. The antibiotics started to take effect and help get things under control. Wednesday, Mommy's throat was so sore that it hurt to swallow. She went to the doctor (with two sick kids in tow) and was diagnosed with Strep Throat and started on antibiotics, too. Rebekah had a spot on her face that looked like a strep infection (impetigo) and although it wasn't confirmed through cultures we suspect that is what it was. The antibiotic she started would help with it, so we continued it. Meanwhile, Sarah showed up with a similar spot, so we got an antibiotic cream for her spot. Three slightly different antibiotics for three girls... All the girls are improving and mostly better.

Mommy, her brother, her mother and one aunt spent much of the week planning for ther memorial service for her Aunt Lucile and taking care of the necessary details. The service was on Sunday and was a nice service, as far as memorial services go. Aunt TT kept the girls for us during the service, so we didn't need to take them with us or worry about them. Thanks Aunt TT! Three of Lucile's four kids made it to the services and it was good to see them, despite the circumstances. It has been a long, long time and we look forward to reconnecting with them.

Thank you for all the warm wishes last week. They do help lift us up, especially when we are down in the dumps for whatever reason - and last week was definitely one of those weeks.

4 Shared:

At Thursday, November 08, 2007 9:48:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous Left a thought...

God give you an abundance of His oil of joy and a blanket of comfort for all that ails you so that sickeness will flee far from your bodies and your home. Get well soon!

At Friday, November 09, 2007 12:06:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous Left a thought...

I'm glad to hear that it's a bit better. I'll be sending more prayers your way to heal the rest of you and get you all up and running strong once again. Take care.

At Friday, November 09, 2007 3:05:00 PM, Blogger Sarah Left a thought...

Glad to hear you are all feeling a little better at least.

At Monday, November 19, 2007 4:41:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous Left a thought...

Hope Everyone is feeling even better and all is well...

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


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