Visit Rebekah's Page to get updates, read messages and send messages to Rebekah and her family through comments. This is a public "diary" of a family whose little girl started a battle with inoperable cancer in April 2005. In December 2007 our house burned down. And in September 2009 Mommy was diagnosed with a terminal disease (a genetic form of ALS) that took her to Heaven in July, 2011, leaving Daddy and two young girls to make it on their own. Over several years of ups and downs, you will get into our hearts, minds and souls as we share joys and sorrows. It can sometimes be very difficult to read. We hope it is also uplifting. Please find joy in what you read here.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

White Count and ANC are up! No Transfusion today

White Blood Count was 69.2 (x10'3) and normal is 4.5-17.0 (x10'3), ANC is 64.55 (x10'3) or 64,550 and normal is 1.5-11.0 (x10'3). The shots have been working and she doesn't need more for this round. Her Red Blood Count was a little low as well as her Hemoglobin, but not to where any treatment was needed. Red Blood Count was 3.23 (x10'6) and normal is 3.80-5.40 (x10'6) and Hemoglobin was 9.2 gm/dL whith a normal range of 11.0-14.0. We don't need to go back later this week for another check because her counts are up.

Another piece of news came out of today's visit. The Tumor board met today (as regularly scheduled) and discussed Rebekah now that they have all the scans back and they could look at everything. The Radiologist pointed out an area on the original Pet Scan on the Right side of Rebekah's face that was "bright" (everything else seems to be isolted on the left side of her face). This spot is near her sinus at the base of the skull (sorry I can't give any better description, but it is a little unclear to me the exact location). The Pet Scan shows areas of activity (rapidly dividing cells - typically cancer cells) as "bright". The oncologists were trying to find the same location on the MRIs, but aren't sure they've found the right spot. Now that they are looking at that area on the MRI they do see an area that looks abnormal, but it did not stand out before and it doesn't really look like the bulk of the tumor. The spot on the MRI really doesn't appear to have changed much. They are just not sure what it is/was. They want to see if they can get the images from the Pet Scan and MRI merged, so that they can identify the specific area that was "bright" on the MRI and decide what to do. Since the tests were done at two different hospitals, they are checking to see if the other hospital can "merge" them. If not, we may have to go to the other hospital and have them do an MRI.

It may change the field that needs to be affected by radiation, so they are trying to get this figured out quickly. It is possible that it was a sinus infection. It is hard to say. I asked if it was something that we could and should biopsy, but doc couldn't answer that one until knowing more about exactly where it is and then talking with an Ear/Nose/Throat surgeon to find out if it is even possible. We just have to wait and see. Uugh! Waiting is not always easy. If this is more cancer then it is great that it is caught now and can be treated (since if this type of cancer returns, it is usually fatal). Please pray that the appropriate treatment will be clear, so that there is no second guessing.

Now for the other piece of news... The calendar that I had been using has been thrown out the window. It was based upon needing Surgery AND Radiation. Since there is NO Surgery, the calendar is different. (I will say that the calendar was given to me very early in the treatment process when we EXPECTED to need Surgery and possibly Radiation.) We will be heading into the hospital Monday for our next round of Chemo (I was expecting a longer break) and Radiation won't be able to start until after we are done with that. Since this is a short hospital stay (3 days), Radiation won't be able to start until next Thursday (or later if they can't get it planned out by then). That pushes the end of Radiation out past when Grandmas will be back to school. At least the majority of the Radiation treatments will be during the summer when Grandmas are a little more available.

We are learning to roll with the punches and deal with each new piece of information as best as we can. We are learning more about cancer than we EVER wanted to (and more than we would wish on anyone). I pray that it makes us ALL stronger. I am very grateful that Rebekah has been a trooper through everything. Most of the time, she will try to make everyone else smile (and usually does a good job of it). She is a blessing from God!

2 Shared:

At Tuesday, July 12, 2005 6:21:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous Left a thought...

I am so happy that Rebekah didn't need any transfusions today. Good news!! We pray that she only has a sinus infection, nothing more. If you guys need anything, please call.

The Shannons

At Wednesday, July 13, 2005 8:52:00 AM, Blogger JodiTucker Left a thought...

Echoing everything that Karen and the Shannons had to say!!


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