God is Good
Rebekah's diaper rash is just about gone. It disappeared over night. Based upon past experience there would have been no way that would have happened that quickly. Can we say God?
Rebekah's tumor seems as though it is more defined and protruding a little more than before, but right along the jaw line. It seems as though it changed over night Monday night. I'm going to believe (unless I'm otherwise informed) that this is God's work making it easily removed by surgery in preparation for the MRI tomorrow.
Rebekah's attitude still needs work. She has been screaming off and on much of the day, for no real apparent reason. She gets a little booboo and just wails. It is really frustrating for mom and dad, especially when we're not feeling up to par.
The girls have been sleeping pretty well, but I (mom) haven't been able to. I go to bed and my brain just works overtime. I toss and turn most of the night, dozing on and off. I've never been able to take sleeping pills (or they've never worked for me and only made matters worse). So, I'm getting pretty tired (as if I wasn't tired before) or perhaps more correctly stated - exhausted.
Well, tomorrow is another adventure. Please pray that it goes well. We'll have to wake Rebekah up so that she can have some breakfast and be done with it by about 7am. Then she can't have any food until after the MRI and only clear liquids until 11am. It makes for a "fun" day. Grandma M has offered to watch Sarah while we take Rebekah in, so that is a big help. (Both Grandma M and Grandma A are school teachers and off for the summer. Yeah! for them and us!) Pray that Sarah cooperates for Grandma and will take the formula well so that Grandma stays sane.
Prayer works! Thanks to all of you who are offering prayer for us! God Bless each of you!
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1 Shared:
Great news! Sure sounds like a "God thing" - to Him be the glory!
Now we pray that He gives you the rest and strength you need. May He comfort you and give you peace as you cast all your cares upon Him.
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